With the winter months approaching, people are looking for ways to save money and cut their energy usage. Winterizing your home can help you save money on heating bills, and it is a wise investment in your home. You can have the same relationship with your car. There are some fast and quick things you can do to help you save money at the pump and to increase fuel efficiency in your car. Minor changes to the outside and inside of your car as well as your driving habits can make a difference on your car and your wallet. You will not only save money on fuel costs, you will also save money on car repair costs.
Outside of the Car
A common item of the car overlooked by many people is the tires. Make sure that you have the right tire pressure for your car and tires. You will usually find a sticker on the inner doorjamb of the car that has the tire size and inflation size recommended by the manufacturer. Do not overinflate the tires because it could make the car more difficult to handle from the excessive vibrations. Over-inflation could also cause the tires to burst. You should make sure that all tires have the same tread pattern and if you replace the tires, replace all of them at the same time. Make sure that the tires have proper alignment so that your steering will be more precise. You should also check your suspension system and make sure that your shock absorbers, springs, and struts are in good condition. Check your brakes and make sure you have good brake pads installed. Replace any worn pads and check for any leaks or weak spots in the brake lines. Check your headlights and make sure they provide good lighting for driving at night and during inclement weather.
Inside of the Car
Under the hood, check the air, oil, and fuel filters. Make sure that they are clean and in good condition. A dirty air filter can increase the acceleration time of a car. Any increase in acceleration means an increase in fuel needed for the increase in speed. The air and oil filters should be changed each time you change the oil. A dirty fuel filter will allow dirt and debris to clog the fuel injectors. It is a good idea to make sure that your gas tank is over half-full at all times during the winter. If the tank is full, it will keep sediment from clogging up the fuel lines.
Think Light and Go Slow
Driving at a slower speed not only saves fuel, it can also prevent an accident. Limit your idling time as much as possible and do not let your car warm up. Newer model cars do not need any warming up and older cars only need a warm-up of no longer than a few minutes. Letting a car idle and warm up is wasting fuel and it is not necessary. Try to keep your loads light. A heavy load, such as heavy furniture or towing a small watercraft, makes the engine work harder and uses more fuel. The only items that should remain in your car are the things that are in your winter safety kits, such as a few blankets, first aid kit, and flashlights. The small tasks you can implement right away will have savings in your wallet and a good running car in your garage.
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